Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thoughts on the Final Project

I'm volunteering for a small public library this summer to help out with their children's programs, and I noticed that on the county library website many of the library branches have links to individual websites except for this one. After speaking to my boyfriend's mother who works there, I found out that they really want to have one. Unfortunately, no one at the library knows how to do it or anytime someone offers, they never actually follow through. One member of the staff took a course on creating webpages, but left the library before she could create it. I felt so bad that their little library didn't have a website that I offered to try to work on one for them this summer. I was really hoping to work on a website about this library branch as a topic for this course, but I'm not sure if that would be acceptable as my topic. I'm looking forward to giving back to the small town that gave me a home while I am going to graduate school:)


Christy said...

Wow that would be so great if you could make their web page your final project. I think it's a great idea. It's such a nice thought to want to give back to the library where you work.

mahsitti said...

This sounds like an awesome opportunity both for you *and* for them! I don't see why it wouldn't be acceptable. Good Luck!

Nancy K said...

I think it's a great idea - I have volunteered at my local library for about 7 years and they are always very grateful - I had thought about doing a web page for them as my project too - we'll have to check -see you Wed night

Prof. Corse said...

This could be a great project! We just need to be careful that you limit the scope for the class project, or you could get in over your head. Another student in this course once did a site for an independent bookstore... --ELC

Brice said...

I too think this idea is a good one. When you are finished people will really use and appreciate the resource you designed. That is awesome.