Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Website Experience

I think I created my first website when I was about 19 or 20, which means it was probably about 10 or 11 years ago. I guess that gives away my age. Yes, I'm 30... but no one really seems to believe me.

I guess I look younger than I am because people even sometimes mistake me for being in high school and I get carded everywhere (even the movie theatre). I just got carded in Atlantic City at the Tropicana a couple of weekends ago by a roulette table. I'm taking this as a good sign though because I'm hoping people still tell me I look young when I'm 40 or 50!

Anyway, I created my first webpages on Geocities. They were in a neighborhood called Rainforest - for my interest in protecting the environment. I had a lot of friends that went to technical schools for computers and they taught me html codes. The website was pretty much just a personal space about me. I posted some photos, my poetry, links to animal and environmental organizations, etc.

When I was attending Ocean County College before I transferred to Georgian Court University to finish my undergrad degree, I took a computer course where I had to create webpages. I created mine about a road trip I took across the country. I never uploaded my pages to a server; I just had to hand them in to my teacher on a floppy disk. This was probably about 6 years ago, so you can see how much things have changed in that amount of time. I don't think people even get floppy disk drives put on new computers much anymore. Everyone uses CDs, DVDs, USB flash drives, etc.

Other than that, I use html codes on MySpace, but that's about it for my experience with websites. All of my experience has been about creating webpages of a personal nature, so it should be interesting trying to create a website that is about something else for a change.

1 comment:

Hadley said...

Something to put on your resume, no doubt!
Great idea. Can't wait to see the final product!