Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Web2.0, Stephen Colbert, and "Wikiality"

As I was reading the Web2.0 readings, particularly the one entitled "7 things you should know about...Wikipedia," I remembered one of the other websites I often like to visit that I didn't list in my introduction is Comedy Central's page for the television show The Colbert Report. Stephen Colbert, who used to be on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart before hosting his own show, has often mentioned Wikipedia is his comedy skits.

In a segment he calls "The Word," he defines what he likes to call "Wikiality."

You can read a news article about how his editing of Wikipedia articles on the show led to him being temporarily blocked from Wikipedia: Stephen Colbert Causes Chaos, Gets Banned from Site.

Other fun Stephen Colbert Websites include:

Wikipedia Entries related to Stephen Colbert:


alek (initials: as) said...

Really funny video, apparently it did not work, wikiality failed. Do you think it is true that more people now believe that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

eamon said...

Great post. Not much out there that's funnier than Colbert!

Chrysalis said...


I can't imagine that is true. Most people don't even support Bush as our President anymore and can't wait to vote someone new into office.