Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Colbert Report: "Dorito's Spicy Sweet Pennsylvania Primary Coverage From Chili-Delphia - The City of Brotherly Crunch!"

This has nothing at all to do with my experience in this course, but
Stephen Colbert is at the Annenberg Center at UPENN filming The Colbert Report this week and I've been so busy that I somehow missed that he was going to be there, so I could try to get tickets. My boyfriend goes to PENN and he just found out yesterday as well:(

It might have helped if I knew about this fan site which is a blog of Stephen Colbert news:

No Fact Zone

If anyone is interested in watching his very funny coverage of the Pennsylvania Primary, The Colbert Report airs at 1:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., and 11:30 p.m. on Comedy Central.

Hmm...I'm starting to think I should I should do a website about Stephen Colbert:) I guess if the public library idea doesn't work out, I could consider that. I also love John Oliver on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. My Irish grandmother would be rolling over in her grave if she heard me say that because he's British.


Joel N. said...

I didn't realize he was filming in town. I used to watch The Daily Show with Craig Kilbourne when it first started, which makes me feel old now that I write it.

Are you going to do something funny and political for your site, too?

zerbipedia said...

I also love the Colbert Report and missed out on tickets. :( It's kind of random, but the Ben Franklin impersonator that he's had on the show is the father of this girl I know. It was kind of random to see him in all his garb on TV.

Christy said...

I didn't know he was filming either. I think I heard about that day. Oh well. I for one vote for a web page about Steven Colbert! I love him and Jon Stewart. Did you know that Steven Colbert did an episode of Law&Order Criminal Intent? Well he did. And he was very good.

Achay said...

I haven't watched The Daily Show in a long time. I don't even know who John Oliver is. I do love that show though.
I don't watch the Colbert Report as much. I think it's just too much of the same thing on every show. I'm not saying I don't like the show, I just can only watch so much of it at a time.

katherine said...

I knew he was coming to Philly, but I didn't know it would be at UPenn. My boyfriend is obsessed with Colbert, but didn't tell me that. I don't have TV anyway, so it's not a big deal to me.

You should combine your love for Colbert with your love for your library--make it a guided website by him. Of course, you would have to get Colbert's permission first...

Meredith said...

On the topic of the primaries FINALLY happening in Pennsylvania, the city has been riddled with excitement. Riding home from class tonight, there were masses of Hilary supporters on the PENN campus tonight. With all of this going on, it makes me really excited for tomorrow. And don't feel bad Joel, I remember Craig Kilbourne too.

Dorothy said...

That would be a fun site! I saw Michele Obama on his show recently and it was quite funny. I should watch that show more often.

Chrysalis said...


I loved the idea of a guided website of the library by Stephen Colbert, that certainly would be an amusing tour. I'm sure he would point out his book on the shelves(if the branch actually had a copy, which we unfortunately don't). But you can get it through Interlibrary Loan!